Yes, porting a number can take between 24 to 74 hours. Alternatively, we can allocate new geographic numbers.
MobiNET devices come with the app preloaded.
NB: loading the app on any device other than the recommended android device, may cause the app to slow down.
Username = your mobile number
Password = last four digits of your mobile number
The MobiNET app auto-updates whenever there is a new software release.
All calls are recorded and encrypted. Recordings are stored on MTN BroadSoft.
Because MobiNET runs on the same network as our emergency services (2G), it will be the last to be affected by power cuts, where 5G and 4G will be the first to go offline.
That being said, we are highly dependent on MTN’s mobile towers (and their batteries) being in good working order. We are therefore working closely with MTN to monitor and improve their signal.
Unfortunately, in cases where tower batteries have been stolen, there is not much that can be done. However, with MTN’s signal triangulation, mobile devices hunt for the best signal between the three closest towers. This means that even if one tower nearby has no backup batteries due to theft, there should be one tower within the three closest that does.
When a customer/reseller reports coverage issues, we immediately log a ticket with MTN. MTN then creates a report within 24 hours and sends a technician to fix it.
We are also pro-actively collecting logs from our devices with regards to signal strength and are working hand-in-hand with MTN, using AI to predict potential tower problems. MTN immediately investigates and fixes these problems to prevent any future issues.
However, resellers do still need to ensure that their representatives check MTN’s signal strength in the areas they are selling MobiNET.