If you can sell office automation, you can sell MobiNET…

and earn twice as much!

If you can sell office automation, you can sell MobiNET…

and earn twice as much!

Watch the video to learn how...

The office switchboard is dead. Least Cost Routing is dead. And small businesses hate VOIP because it’s unreliable and just doesn't work. They need MobiNET and we want you to help us sell it.

A new product is rocking South Africa. It beats LCR and saves the customers a fortune on mobile calls. They can call their customers, their staff and their reps for less than half the usual cost: 49c vs R1.24. All internal calls to staff and reps are free.

  • Sales margins are high
  • It is quick and easy to sell
  • The admin is simple and quick
  • Requires no installation

MobiNET is a truly Mobile PABX built to perfectly suite the remote work team

Transfer calls from any mobile device to any other mobile device in your network at the touch of a button. 

Are You Ready To Earn Twice As Much with MobiNET?

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